HERBAL CAN TAY MAT ONG HONEY CELERY POWDER –WEIGHT LOSS, BEAUTY SKIN INGREDIENT: - Celery powder: 78% - Honey: 10% - Palm tree sugar: 10% - White pea essence: 2%. FUCTION: - Weight loss: Motree honey celery powder helps to burn excess fat in the body, returning a balanced, slim figure for you. - Brightens skin: Celery contains many carotene, substances capable of protecting skin at the molecular level. This substance also balances the process of cell production, restores and maintains natural collagen, helps firm, smooth skin and repels aging. - Strong bones: Celery contains calcium and silicon. These are two important substances for bones, helping to strengthen and repair damaged bones. In addition, vitamin K in celery powder also prevents osteoporosis. Increases resistance: - Cancer Prevention: flavonols, furanocoumarins and phenoli acid in Motree honey celery powder can prevent and prevent the growth of cancer cells. - Laxative: Motree honey celery powder drink helps laxative and improves digestive system activity. Improving sleep: nutrients in Motree honey celery powder reduce blood pressure, reduce stress, soothe the body, help you sleep better. - Anti-inflammatory: polyacetylene and luteolin in Motree honey celery powder have the ability to inhibit enzymes that cause inflammatory responses in the body and is beneficial for arthritis. - Good for heart health: Motree honey celery powder is good for heart health thanks to Phthalide. This substance relaxes blood vessels. In addition, coumarins will regulate the amount of cortisol in the body, reducing blood clots. USERS: - People who are overweight, obese, but have difficult to lose body, has applied many types of food but not yet effective. - After giving birth, women have a large amount of fat and are difficult to remove. People who are hormonal disorders in the body. - Women want to beautify the skin, and prevent the aging process on the skin. - People who are calcium deficient, bones are not healthy, body is prone to fatigue, weakness. People have trouble sleeping. do not sleep deeply, often wake up at midnight. Sedentary people, often sitting in the office. HOW TO USE: Cut celery powder package mixed with 200-300ml. Stir well to dissolve the powder in water. If you want to drink cold, mix with cold water and add ice. If you drink it hot, give it warm water. Drink about 20-30 minutes before meals. Drink 1-2 packages per day depending on needs. However, those who want to speed up the weight loss process can drink 2-3 times a day, 1 pack each time before breakfast and dinner.. Brand : Eatuhoney Co.Ltd, Package : box of 14 packs of 4g.