Mali Organic Mixed Herbal Tea Reduce Fat Accelerate Metabolism Detox Healthy 150g. Shipping with tracking number Description Condition: New Size: 150g/Pack Quantity: 1 Pack Product of Thailand FDA Registration Number 13-2-06163-2-0015 Product detail Mali tea, herbal boiled tea, mixed herbal drink, dry type, helps to detox the intestines. Accelerate the metabolism of body fat, reduce belly, help constipation, dissolve accumulated fat, 1 pack can be eaten for 20 -25 days, drink 1 glass a day before bedtime, sweet and sour taste, easy to drink. Active Ingredients: Okra, Indian gooseberry, Senna pod, Sweet papaya, Garcinia, Quince, Black pepper, Safflower, Jujube, Stevia. Mali tea, herbal boiled tea with 100% natural herbs, all 14 types. - Detox the intestines,expel waste from the body.. - Balancing the intestines.Helps to absorb nutrients better. - Balance the excretory system. - Better excretion, easy excretion, no constipation. - Flat belly,due to accumulated waste. - No bad breath , body odor from constipation. - Nourish the skin, bright face, glowing skin because of normal excretion. - Delicious taste, easy to eat, refreshing. How to boil Mali Tea : - 1 Pack, boil 3-4 liters of water, suitable for people who are difficult with constipation - 1 Pack, boil 5 liters of water, suitable for people who are easy to constipation - It takes 20-30 minutes to boil, boil one round, wait for it to cool, then filter the water, fill it in a bottle and store it in the refrigerator last a month ** Warning ** - Mothers who are pregnant or breastfeeding or with surgical scars less than 6 months: do not eat!!