Nopal Flax Plus Original FlaxSeed Fiber 454g Colon Cleanser Nuestra Salud Nopal Flax Plus Original FlaxSeed Fiber 454g Limpiador de Colon pérdida de peso Nopal Flax Linaza Plus combines the highest quality flaxseed with cactus, senna and wheat bran along with a touch of lucuma to produce an exceptionally nutritious and healthy herbal blend. Promotes cardiovascular health Helps maintain a clean and healthy colon Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels which are already within normal range Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels which are already with in normal range Promotes vitality and energy Promotes a healthy lifestyle Mix 1-2 table spoons of nopal flax linaza plus into 12 Oz of water, milk, juice or your favorite beverage. Promueve la salud cardiovascular Ayuda a mantener un colon limpio y saludable. Ayuda a mantener niveles saludables de azúcar en la sangre que ya están dentro del rango normal Ayuda a mantener niveles saludables de colesterol que ya están dentro del rango normal Promueve la vitalidad y la energía Promueve un estilo de vida saludable Mezcle 1-2 cucharadas soperas de linaza de linaza de nopal más en 12 Oz de agua, leche, jugo o su bebida favorita. Ingredients: Omega flax seed Prickly pear cactus (nopal) Lucuma Senna Leaves Wheat Bran